Veterans Lance Corporal Michael Moreland and Sergeant First Class Luciano UFO were presented with donated vehicles, courtesy of Progressive's Keys to Progress event, at the Staten Island Armory today. The program seeks to help veterans nationwide by giving them refurbished vehicles to use for doctor's visits and other personal needs, so they do not have to rely on public transportation. It was a special event, as this is the first time we are doing it in upstate New York. We have two veterans who are truly in need of vehicles, and this is going to change their lives in a better direction. We are able to take care of everything they need, thanks to the amazing support of the community and various societies helping out their families. I don't think I would be able to accept this opportunity or this gift if it weren't for the opportunity to give recognition to those killed in action, wounded, and all that. That's the only way I would be able to get through this process. It's going to change my life, bottom line. It has been many years since I've had any form of happiness. I was stagnant for many years, had a hard time with the VA, very hard to get treatment, and faced a lot of demons. I never sunk so low in my life. But more so, what I learned from the Marine Corps is work ethic, resiliency, integrity, and recognizing my own failures as a human being, which I think is vital in progressing change. Constant change, and I evolved in that. I said taking the train, the buses, and had to go to my coin and join you in Brooklyn. I got a lot of information broken. Yeah, well, this is really all about the veterans and those...
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Veterans car buying program Form: What You Should Know
Benefits of the VA Auto Allowance program are: No monthly or annual costs. Provides Veterans with a very low monthly cost to buy and operate a car on public roads — regardless of their means, or the amount of income Veterans must pay. Vehicles are sold at a cost similar to normal consumer sales market values at participating dealerships, which can be used as the Veteran's down payment. Veterans in the military are entitled to VA benefits and may be eligible to apply for: · The VA offers a one-time purchase of a new or used vehicle if the veteran needs or desires an automobile to drive to and from their job or daily living area, or the veteran needs or desires an automobile to get from home to work and back home. Benefits include: a low monthly cost to buy a used car using the VA auto dealership's retail selling price; no monthly or annual financing costs; and low, fixed interest rates. The cost of the car you purchase with the VA auto purchase program does not have to be paid for by a payment from the Veteran. If the Veteran has a lower income and an additional vehicle (or car payments on an existing vehicle) would be a significant financial burden, the Veteran is eligible to consolidate such financial obligations into a single payment that is funded by the VA. The Veterans, not the VA, can then apply for financing. Additional benefits, including reduced VA car loan fees, and VA rebates may also be available. Benefits of the Vehicle and Automobile Purchase Program include: Allows veterans to get a car (or other vehicle) at below market prices, without taking on credit card debt; a non-profit organization and the Veteran(BS) must sign a binding, written agreement of lifetime car ownership with the vendor; no monthly or annual financing costs; and low, fixed interest rates. For information on obtaining, buying, selling or leasing your first vehicle, get help from: VA Motor Vehicle Sales and Services — Automotive Assistance Program Military Veterans and spouses/dependents can apply by completing a Military Vehicle Acquisition Form and mailing it to VA Service Contracting Services, P.O. Box 3911, Rockville, MD 20849.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Veterans car buying program