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Va adaptive housing grant Form: What You Should Know

VA Home Advantage program is available onĀ  The specific application form can be found on the National Clearinghouse for Homeless Veterans ( ). TheĀ VA Home Advantage programĀ  is a one-time lump sum payment, paid to the family, not to a person, when the veteran reaches retirement age or reaches military retirement. A one time lump sum payment does NOT provide immediate or lifelong financial assistance to SAH or Veterans for Home Ownership programs. Veterans who receive a lump-sum payment may, in most cases, have to repay the SASH grant and remain in a low-income status until their disability payments and other VA benefits are secured. The VA Home Advantage program is not a general grant program but a grant specifically to help meet the costs of buying a home through the VA. VA HOME AWARD FUNDING As a special program, SASH programs are limited in amountĀ  to 20,000 per Veteran each year through VA HOME AWARD FUNDING. If an individual receives the maximum SASH program payments in a year and the annual VA Housing & Community Development (HAD) budget is not used for a specific veteran, he/she is refunded up to the amount for that year. A veteran may be eligible for both HUD Housing & Community Development (HAD) and VA Home Advantage benefits. SASH grant eligibility is limited to: 1. Those who were formerly homeless who, on the date the Veterans Service Officer determines that the person was homeless and on the date of application have been living regularly in a permanent habitation unit (including a shelter, transitional shelter, or motel): 2. Those who, on the date of application, were experiencing a loss of home or other financial hardship due to a personal catastrophe, illness, accident or involuntary retirement; and 3. Such other eligible Veterans as the VA will establish criteria to include. Ā If you feel you qualify for the SASH program call the HAD SO at, email your claim to the H & CD SO at Home Advantage Claims at, or write to HAD SO at VSO-HCS-R-L-M-Y-P 10500 North lake Blvd.

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