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Va Auto Grant Form: What You Should Know
Appendix H (A) or ‥ Application for Adaptive Equipment Grant. Use this form to submit claims for compensation for disability-related expenses incurred related to a vehicle that's needed for employment, medical services, education, or recreation. It's the Veterans Choice program, and it's called the Veterans Choice Program for Automobile Allowances and Equipment Grants for Veterans with Disabilities (VC AVF) and for Accelerated Rehabilitative Equipment Program (ARE) It's used by a veteran who wants to apply for a grant through the CAF or ARE to purchase an adapted vehicle. The application must contain all the following information, and it must be received by VA between January 6 and December 31 to be eligible. All the qualifying information for the vehicle must be provided in the application (including vehicle's make, model, serial number, and type) The applicant must: · Be a member of the Armed Forces of the United States inactivated on or after November 11, 1983. · Demonstrate that the applicant has a physical disability, as determined by a professional physician, certified by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and a medical evaluation by a qualified occupational therapist. · Not be otherwise prohibited from driving the vehicle in accordance with a law, rule, or regulation of the United States. · Comply fully with applicable State Department of Transportation regulations, rules and restrictions and Federal Highway Administration regulations, rules and restrictions. · Sign the statement, “This is not an approved disability claim. CAF, ARE.” You must sign the statement when you apply for the benefit. Do Not Send Forms Without Receipt or With Incomplete Submittals Please note that the processing delays and errors may happen over the course of the process, and I've been asked to be very open and transparent with our veterans. If you send me a form without receipt or an incomplete one, it's likely that it will be returned with an error and therefore the form will not be processed. And when you ask for the form by phone or fax, please know that it may be several weeks before I am able to have an answer for you. To determine what time to provide the form, you can contact your local processing center with your application to see if I'm able to provide the form at that time. Please note that you must provide written confirmation that you sent the form directly to your local processing center in order to receive a timely response.
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